Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let's talk TV!

My husband and I have turned to TV on dvd for tube time before going to bed. When we do watch TV we watch shows on dvr and never watch shows live anymore. It's so crazy from what TV used to be! And it works well with our lifestyle. With 5 kids going in different directions, work, and all of our own personal interests we really don't have the TV on during the day anymore. Sometimes the kids will watch one of the Disney channel shows after school to relax, but then it's off and we are on to more homework, dinner, clean up or evening activities, then getting ready for bed, etc. After they are all down Rob and I get ready for bed and watch a show in our room all cozied up in bed. We even have "wedge" pillows for optimal comfort and view! :) Here's what we've seen over the last few years:

The West Wing- watched all season on dvd, loved it! Great story development, great characters.

Friday Night Lights- watched all seasons available, there's one more coming and we can't wait!!! Love it! These characters are great and the Texas Twang is just too good.

The Office- We have watched these on dvd to get caught up and then the last few seasons we've seen on the dvr and then have bought the seasons afterwards because we love them so much, they crack us up!

House- Ahh, the character you love to hate, but secretly root for because you know beneath that exterior is someone really good that just needs to change. I confess I have to turn away for a lot of the medical nastiness. Too gross for me, but Rob gives me the play by play. We started these on dvd and now watch current on the dvr.

LOST- This one held my interest and sent my mind reeling in all different directions. The characters were so rich and so well developed and I felt like I knew them. As it progressed, the characters are what kept me coming back because the storyline was just too hokey. In the end I just had to roll my eyes at all the different ways they took things and didn't resolve stuff and it just was so left field, but the characters....loved them.

Grey's Anatomy- our new love! Decided to check out this series based on some friends' love for the show. Just finished season one and my husband saw the finale coming. After he said so, I felt it too. Can't wait to see where that one is going to go. Love the story lines and the character development is great in this one too.

For reality TV I watch American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance. Both in the off season now, but Idol will start up in January and I can't wait to see what they do without Simon!!!