Friday, May 22, 2009

Book: 'Marker'

read 5/09 by Robin Cook, Rating:yo-up!

Great book! Had me caught up in it from the beginning. I like the format that you got to get inside the mind of that bad 'guy' even from the beginning. Knowing what they were thinking and who they were going to strike beforehand added more angst to my reading. I was desperately wanting to warn the next victims. The storytelling was creative and suspenseful and intricate and super smart.....but (had to give some positive before the negative). It irked me that there were about 4 or 5 evidences of poor proof-reading and editing. Found my first error on I think, page 3. It also really bugged me that the relationship struggle was one of the main components in the book and that that the author did not tie that up neatly at the end. And also (spoiler alert) it did not make sense that the higher ups decided to take Jazz out, yet giver another assignment to 'sanction' before they did. They had already decided that she was a risk. It would have been ok if the author would have addressed that and had given reason from the perspective of the higher-ups about why they chose to give her that last assignment. I am trying to have more tolerance, but I hate it when something like this happens in a story that I'm loving and it kind of ruins the credibility of the story for me. Ugh. I will try this author again though, I really did like the book.

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