Friday, May 22, 2009

Book: 'Marker'

read 5/09 by Robin Cook, Rating:yo-up!

Great book! Had me caught up in it from the beginning. I like the format that you got to get inside the mind of that bad 'guy' even from the beginning. Knowing what they were thinking and who they were going to strike beforehand added more angst to my reading. I was desperately wanting to warn the next victims. The storytelling was creative and suspenseful and intricate and super smart.....but (had to give some positive before the negative). It irked me that there were about 4 or 5 evidences of poor proof-reading and editing. Found my first error on I think, page 3. It also really bugged me that the relationship struggle was one of the main components in the book and that that the author did not tie that up neatly at the end. And also (spoiler alert) it did not make sense that the higher ups decided to take Jazz out, yet giver another assignment to 'sanction' before they did. They had already decided that she was a risk. It would have been ok if the author would have addressed that and had given reason from the perspective of the higher-ups about why they chose to give her that last assignment. I am trying to have more tolerance, but I hate it when something like this happens in a story that I'm loving and it kind of ruins the credibility of the story for me. Ugh. I will try this author again though, I really did like the book.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Book: 'Angels and Demons'

read 5/09 'Angels and Demons' by Dan Brown. Rating: yo WAY up!

What a fantastic read. This guy is so intelligent...I just don't know how someone's mind can think so intricately and keep it all straight and believable and then tie it up nicely in the end. Feel bad for whatever I read next because it probably won't measure up!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Magazine- LifeExtension

May 2009 issue Rating: yo-up!

I LOVE my subscription to LifeExtension. I started my subscription last fall and love the chock full pages of health and nutrition information. It tells you what vitamins and supplements are good for preventing and helping to treat certain health ailments and diseases. Granted a lot of it is still over my head, but one day I'm hoping it all sinks in and I will be able to integrate the knowledge and really benefit from it.

From the magazine
Example of learning: Vitamin C intake should be at least 10x higher than RDA. Vitamin C intake is necessary because the human body cannot synthesize it. Although the current RDA is 90 mg/day for men and 75 mg/day for women, authorities disagree about the optimal intake....Unfortunately modern farming and food storage techniques have decreased the micronutrient content of foods, making it difficult to obtain enough vitamin C from diet alone. The authors concluded that healthy persons should take at least 1000 mg/day supplemental vitamin C, along with five servings of fruits and vegetables, to prevent disease. (Laura J. Ninger)

Monday, April 27, 2009

CD: Jordin Sparks, self titled debut album, Jordin Sparks

Rating:yo-up! original release date Nov. 20, 2007 and I probably purchased close to that date. Love it. Just listened to it again today on my run and smiled because I can usually relate song titles to what I'm doing.

First on the ipod though was Broken Wing (original by Martina McBride) which she knocked out of the park on the show. Love listening to her sing it. Running is therapeutic time to me, letting go of stresses and hurts. "With a broken wing, she carries her dreams..."

Ok, the song titles related to my run in these ways:

Tattoo- could be endured better than this run
One Step at a Time- that's the only way I'll finish this run
Freeze- take a picture, it won't last long
Shy Boy- don't look at me while I run
Now You Tell Me- that I shouldn't have eaten that donut the other day, in the gut, stuck to butt
Next to You- can't run fast enough to get there
Just For the Record- the only reason I'm running
Permanent Monday- It is Monday, and yes I think this run will never end
Young And In Love- Old, I'm old now
See My Side- my good one, not the back one
God Loves Ugly- speaks for itself!
Worth the Wait- or was that weight?
This Is My Now- so I better make the best of it

Saturday, April 25, 2009

CD: David Cook- self titled album, David Cook

Purchased American Idol's 2008 Season 7 winner's self titled album, close to it's release date of November 18, 2008

Have listened to it several times and listened to the whole thing again today during a run. Really like his voice, his rock edge, and love the song lyrics. I really like most all of the songs, particularly 'Declaration', 'Light On', 'Come Back to Me', 'Life on the Moon', 'I Did It for You', and 'A Daily Anthem'. Really is a great CD. Enjoyed his recent alumni performance on the AI show too of 'Come Back to Me'. After the CD was over on the ipod, my husband had another David Cook song listed under his name as an artist. It was his version of 'Hello' originally done by Lionel Richie. Hadn't heard it since he originally performed it on the show. It was my favorite of his performances and loved hearing again for the first time since then. It should have gone on the CD.

Was thinking about what my daily anthem is as I listened to the chorus of his song. It became today's exercise theme song...and my anthem is for me to get outside and breathe in some fresh air, have a daily dose of sunshine and with gratitude exercise the body that will hopefully carry me for many more years of life....

From the song, 'A Daily Anthem':

It’s a daily anthem
Would you sing my song at the top of your lungs
And we’ll all sing along, we’ll all sing along
It’s a half-faith blessing
For the lessons I’ve learned and never deserved
And we’ll all sing along, we’ll all sing along

TV- The Office: Broke

air date- 4/23

Missed Thursday's episode "Broke" so Rob and I watched it using the DVR last night. Genius comedy, Dunder-Mifflin style. The Michael Scott Paper Co. is broke. Watching Michael, Ryan, and Pam face the imbroglio of their situation is comedic, more so when Dunder Mifflin executive, David Wallace, decides they can't lose any more clients to Michael's gang and decides to offer them a buy-out.

Turns out the dysfunctional personalities at the Scranton branch actually thrive under the dysfunctional leadership of the one and only Michael Scott (Steve Carrell is genius as that character). Instead of the buy-out, Michael bargains for his job back and jobs for Pam and Ryan letting Wallace know "our balls are in your court." Oh my.

Last week's quote that has stuck with me, in reference to the color-coding on Michael's rolodex: "Green. Green means go ahead and shut-up about it. Orange. Orange means orange you glad you didn't say that." The quote ended with something about the fact that mostly the colors generally mean you don't talk about that information." Dwight's card in the box says, "tall, beets". Love it.

Friday, April 24, 2009

In theater movie- 17 Again

viewed 4/09, yo-up!

I took 4 of my kids to see it and expected a few laughs and mild entertainment for myself and ended up with a lot of laughs and being very much entertained. The kids all liked it too (ages 5, 7, 11, & 13)

Matthew Perry's character, Mike, has so many regrets in his life that he does not appreciate the wonderful family that he has. In a 'Freaky Friday' twist of fate he is transformed into his 17 year old body (Zac Efron) and has his long time best bud pretend to be his dad and sign him up for high school where his 2 kids attend and things get a little weird as he figures out not only who he was and who he wants to be, but also gets to know his family in a different light.

I thought the story line would be kind of tired, but it was a fresh take, plenty of humor, and I give Zac Efron kudos for his acting skills.

From the critic in me:
~scene where young Mike starts school, before school outside everyone is eyeing the new kid. He walks in the school and the bell rings and suddenly everyone is coming OUT of the classrooms and bumping into him, uh....huh?
~Mike's daughter gets her heart broken when the bad boyfriend breaks up with her because she didn't want to go "all the way." Then, all the sudden she gets frisky with 'dad' and is on the prowl. Hmmm...conflicting story line here & too over the top
~ Mike's girlfriend gets pregnant senior year and he leaves the game where the scout is watching him and ends the chance to play ball for a college team and ends his chance to even go to college? Ok, so I'm over-thinking the message, but that could have been written better....

Book- The Associate by John Grisham

Read 4/09, yo-down!

There can be no gainsay about the fact that Grisham is a brilliant author and I am normally a paladin of his writings. I did not like this story though. I think the main character was too smart to get into the pickle he got into the first place and options that he dismissed at the time of the onset of the problem ended up being options that he used to help get him out of the pickle. There were loopholes in the story and questions left unanswered, such as the infamous mobile phone video mentioned in the beginning of the story. The reader finishes the book and still doesn't know who owned the phone and how the 'bad guys' got a hold of it in the first place. And the ending just happened- nothing was neatly wrapped up. Boo.......

Thursday, April 23, 2009

TV- American Idol 4/21/09 & 4/22/09

4/21 and 4/22, yo-up!

I'm a big AI fan. Love it, love it. This week's shows were fun to watch. Disco week. I'm not a huge fan of disco so I was challenging the contestants to entertain me! I correctly predicted that Anoop and Lil were going home this week, due to the double elimination because of Matt Giraud's save last week. I think it was the right choice. Lil has picked boring songs week after week and failed to have interesting, unique and entertaining performances. Anoop has a nice voice and has been able to selectively choose songs that fit him and make interesting arrangements of them, but not consistently. His vocal performances are also not consistent and he is not as talented at picking songs and arranging them in a way that are unique and entertaining as the rest of the contestants. It was his time to go. Loved watching the top 7 dancing to Paula's disco moves, that was fun. Was bored with the disco medley with the past-their-prime artists. Loved David Archuletta. Great voice, very talented, can't wait to see what he does throughout his career. I am so pleased with the remaining top 5. I think this is the first time in my history of watching the show that at this stage I thought it was the right top 5 people to still be in it. It seems like usually someone has gone home too maybe 'the save' fixed that this year!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

In theater movie- Hannah Montana

viewed 4/09, yo-up! for kids, yo-down! for adults

Hannah the pop star gets a little uppity. Daddy takes her home to Tennessee, hoping that absence from the high life and getting back to her roots will ground her.

So, it was hokey, goofy, unrealistic....all that. I couldn't take it seriously because it wasn't meant to be taken that way and I say so without any invidious meanings. The movie's goal was to entertain children though and that it did. I took children ages, 4, 5, 7, 11, and 13 to see the show. They all liked it, the younger ones loving it. The music was great, very catchy, great messages. Plus the movie featured acoustic arrangements from Rascal Flatts whom I love and a new song by Taylor Swift who I also love.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dvd Rental- Drillbit Taylor

viewed April 2009, yo-up!

Owen Wilson is a homeless dude looking for some quick money. When 3 kids at school are being bullied they advertise to find a bodyguard to help protect them. Sheer luck leads them to Owen's character and they get a 'budget bodyguard'.

Hilarious. I loved it. I am pretty flexible with comedy. It doesn't really have to be believable, just funny. Definitely recommend it!

Book- Where Are You Now? by Mary Higgins Clark

read April 2009, yo-way up!

This book got me from page 1! I started it kind of late at night, only planning to read the first chapter because the chapters are really short (like 2 to 3 pages) and ended up reading about 50 pages. It was a real page-turner, had me suspecting every character, not trusting anyone, and holding my breath in very suspenseful parts. Very entertaining I loved it.

The main character's brother disappeared 10 years prior to when the story starts and calls every year on Mother's Day, but gives no clue to his whereabouts and says he's fine and that one day he will come back home. With the most recent Mother's Day call, the sister decides she is going to find him no matter what and thus begins a most thrilling and suspenseful journey!

This was my first time reading a Mary Higgins Clark. I will definitely try another of her books.